
Workshop- 9 months



Registration for the second edition of “Gestar una obra” is open. It is an online dramaturgy workshop that lasts 9 months.

Taught by Amaranta Osorio, with master classes from her teachers: Sanchis Sinisterra, Itziar Pascual, Mauricio Kartún, Julia Varley, Sergio Blanco, Carolina Vivas, Jaime Chabaud, Yolanda Pallin, Pedro Villora and Alicia Blas. Theater history classes taught by Fernando Domenech. Bonus with: Mariana González Roberts and Itziar Pascual.

Duration: 9 months.

Modality: online. Recorded classes and master classes (1 hr); practical classes (2hrs)

Practical class schedules. Two Saturdays or two Mondays a month. 7pm (Central Europe)/ 12pm Cusco/Colombia/Chicago/Mexico, 1pm Chile, 3pm Argentina.

Workshop in spanish

La trilogía del recuerdo



“La trilogía del recuerdo” was published in November 2024, edited by invasive editions.

Three plays by Amaranta Osorio. With prologues by: Antonia Amo, Monique Martínez, Nuria de Orduña and Julio Fernández.

Buy the book

Review of Luis de Luis Otero

Note from Horacio Otheguy

Note from Jose Miguel Vila

According to researcher Antonia Amo “Amaranta Osorio’s theater speaks of death, life, transmission, relays, the fight to get out of the shadows and to break the bonds of a patriarchal system that infiltrates the territories of the intimate.” (Sobre tus alas), which dominates economic-social relations (Akuakuaue) and which echoes the political inheritances of recent Spain (Regresar es irse) Feminism Yes, because it responds to the will committed to get rid of patterns of violence, both physical and symbolic, generated by domination that has declined until today in the masculine.

And always, in this goal of creating a theater for human justice, kindness, hope, compassion, benevolence always ends up winning, in one way or another. Amaranta Osorio’s theater is, ultimately, an antidote to the apathy of forgetfulness. It is a firm plea to defend the sovereignty of memory in the construction of the I and the we.”

Workshop- 2 months



Amaranta will teach the workshop “Writing with what there is” within the Celcit courses organized by Hernán Gene.

An online drama workshop from February 4 to March 25. Every Tuesday at 7pm.

More information and registration




A nice interview done by Leidy Restrepo for El tiempo.


Photo- Ana Mañez

Dramatized reading in Madrid



January 13, 2025.
Dramatized reading of “My girl, my little girl” by Amaranta Osorio and Itziar Pascual at Casa Sefarad in Madrid.
With the actresses : Goizalde Nuñez, Angela Cremonte and Irene Bueno.
Director: Amaranta Osorio




A beautiful article by the philosopher and writer Marifé Santiago in which she talks about “My girl, my little girl.”

Revista Pleyade

Photo: Isabel Wagenmann




A beautiful interview done by Jose Miguel Vila for Diario Crítico


Photo- Ana Mañez

Book presentation



Here are some photos of the beautiful presentation of “La trilogía del recuerdo” in Casa México Madrid.

Conversation between Jorge Volpi and Amaranta Osorio.

Ana Fernández did an incredible dramatized reading of some scenes.

Photos Ana Mañez





Lunas pasajeras

Diario más noticias

The diplomat


Workshop in France


November 2025
Amaranta taught a writing workshop and did an installation with women from the community of Albi, France.
Within the Magdalena de Albi Festival directed by Silvia Moreno.

Talk in France



November 19. Talk about the play MAPA at the University of Toulouse. Transmigrarts Program.
With Amaranta Osorio and the researchers: Agnès Suberzy, Fabrice Corrons and Sonia Gómez.
MAPA will be premiered and published in France in 2025.



Good Urban Beat interview

Photo- Ana Mañez



Translation of “Song of the great soul”


“Song of the Great Soul. An Introduction to the Baul Path” by Parvathy Baul is translated into spanish by Anandamai (Spiritual Name of Amaranta Osorio).




Amaranta translates part of the TTT meeting organized by Residui Teatro, in which great masters of group theater such as Eugenio Barba, Julia Varley, Miguel Rubio, Ricardo Iniesta, Patricia Ariza, among others, participated.



A nice interview done by Esther Soledad Esteban Castillo

Lunas pasajeras

Foto: Isabel Wagenmann

Coordination of the 20th anniversary of Secuencia 3


November 14. Pavón Theater.

Amaranta Osorio coordinates the 20th anniversary of Secuencia 3.

Secuencia 3

Nota de prensa

New book presentation

November 13. 19hrs. House of Mexico in Madrid.

Amaranta presents her new book “La trilogía de la memoria”.

She will talk with Jorge Volpi (novelist) and the actress Ana Fernández will read a scene.

Admission is free upon reservation. More information 

House of Mexico in Madrid. 20 Alberto Aguilera Street

Workshop in Albi, France

From November 18 to 24. Albi, France.

Amaranta participates in the Magdalena meeting in Albi, where she will teach the workshop “Writing from yourself” for women in the community.

The festival is directed by Silvia Moreno.

Registration is open. For more information:

La Matto in Peru

November 11. Garcilaso Theater. Cusco, Peru.

“La Matto. A woman out of time” opens the theatrical exchange of emancipated cultures of Cusco.

“La matto” by Amaranta Osorio and co-directed with Natalia Marcet, is performed by Anahí Araoz.

It is an Iberescena Peru-Argentina-Spain co-production.

SILT – Madrid

Sunday, November 3, 1:30 p.m.

Amaranta Osorio signs copies of “MAPA” at the International Theater Book Fair. National Dramatic Center.

At SILT you can also find his books “Clic. Cuando todo cambia” by Assitej, “Moje holka, moje holka” and “El Grito” in Primer Acto magazine, as well as “Y no regresaron a sus casas” from invasive editions.


Amaranta Osorio directs the meeting “Latidos de ida y vuelta” within the Ibero-American Theater Festival of Cádiz.

Latidos de ida y vuelta is a meeting that proposes a dialogue between important artists and  cultural managers from Spain and Latin America. Inspired by the cantos de ida y vuelta, which are a beautiful result of cultural fusion, this meeting seeks to bring together renowned artists to tell us about their career and the influence that Spain and Latin America have had on their creations.

Activity of the Ibero-American Theater Festival of Cádiz that has the support of the Embassy of Colombia, the Center for Mexican Studies UNAM-Spain (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and the School of Film and Performing Arts of Seville (ECAES).

Invited speakers: Patricia Guerrero, Claudia Lavista, Eduardo Guerrero, María González, Eusebio Calonge, Ana López Segovia, Pablo Manzi, Sario Téllez, Susana Uribe, Checho Tamayo, Galina Rodriguez, Ramiro Osorio, Débora Staiff, Pere Almeda, Isabel Pérez, Lucía de Franchi, Patricia Ariza, Abel González Melo, María Goiricelaya, Carlos Satizabal, Eberto García Abreu and Ricardo Iniesta.

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