2021 events

Foto de Ana Mañez


January 31.2021. World premier of “Unicornios”. Written by Amaranta Osorio based on personal stories of Unicornios Teatro. Directed by Nieves Mateo. Produced by Unicornios Teatro. Centro Cultural Pilar Bardem. Rivas Vaciamadrid, Spain.

February 10, 2021. Dramatized reading of “Click. When everything changes” at  Casa del Lector in Madrid. Matadero Madrid. By the Navarra School of Theater. ASSITEJ. Spain.

February 26 -2021. World premiere of “El grito”. Written by Itziar Pascual and Amaranta Osorio. Directed by  Adriana Roffi at the Fernan Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa. Coproduction Ysarca – Pilar de Yzaguirre and Teatro Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa. Madrid, Spain.

March -April  2021. Workshop “Breaking the silence” .Université de Franche-Comté. Bessançon. Organized by Erwan Burel. France.

March 10,11,12 . Workshop “Niñas que sueñan teatro”. Semilleros Creativos. FONCA. Tlaxcala, Mexico.

March 18, 19, 20.  Encuentro de Jóvenes Creadores. FONCA. Mexico.

March 17-20. Participation in the  Festival International de Langues in Besançon, France. Readings of  Ma petite, ma petite chèrie, Vietato dare da mangiare, Ce que je n’ai pas dit.  Sample of the workshopRompiendo el Silencio given by Amaranta Osorio at the Franche Comté University. France.

March 26. Talk at Festival Entre Dos Mundos. Italy

March-April. Workshop Rompiendo el Silencio. Franche Comté University.  The result of the workshop will be performed on April 5th at 15hrs at the Scenacle. Besançon, France.

May 22- B8 Theater Company does the dramatized reading of “My girl, my little girl”. United States.

May- Publication of “My girl, my little girl” translated by Phyllis Zatlin in The Mercurian. United States.

May 21 in Valdebernardo and 23 in Morata de Tajuña – “Unicornios”. Spain.

May 29-  “El Grito” at the Teatro Principal in Alicante. Spain.

June 27- Premiere “Be like body-Obsolete” performance by Suzon Fuks, in which six writers participate. Followed by an artists talk. Festival Bodies:on:Live. Magdalena: online.

July 1- Presentation of the publication of “El Grito” in Primer Acto. Spain.

July 19-22- Encuentro Jóvenes Creadores FONCA.  Mexico.

August 7-8- Workshop”Escribir con lo que hay” Festival de Mujeres en Escena por la paz. Colombia.

August 9- Be like body obsolete. Festival de Mujeres en Escena por la paz. Colombia.

August 7 – “El Grito” at the Teatro Jovellanos. Gijón.Spain.

August 15 –  “El Grito” at the Auditorio del Parque Almansa. Festival de San Javier.Spain.

August 27 – “Unicornios” Centre Cultural la Mercé. FITAG.Spain.

September 19- Premiere of “Moje Holka, Moje Holka”. Dir. Alejandro Casavalle. Teatro El Extranjero. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

September 19-“El Grito” at Teatro Calderón de Valladolid. Espagne.

September 25-  Workshop”Escribir con lo que hay” and presentation of “Be like body Obsolete”. Festival Mestiza. Santiago, Chile.

September-  Begins to teach the annual theater workshop at the University for Seniors. U. Complutense.

October 6-12- Workshop”Escribir con lo que hay”. Encuentro Internacional de mujeres creadoras. Magdalena. Spain.

October 15-“El Grito” at Gran Teatro de Cáceres. Spain.

October 29- “El Grito” at Teatro Rosalía de Castro. Coruña. Spain

November 7- Talk for  TONE (New Talents for Europe) Residui Teatro. Madrid

From September to november- “Moje Holka, Moje Holka”. Dir. Alejandro Casavalle. Teatro El Extranjero. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

November -December Laboratory “Breaking the silence” Escuela Internacional del Gesto. Madrid, Spain

November 18- “El Grito” at Teatro Principal Antzokia. Vitoria-Gasteiz.

November 19- “El Grito” in the Logroño Theatre Festival. Spain.

November 25- Encuentro Jovenes Creadores. FONCA. Mexico.

November 27- “El Grito” at Teatro Gayarre. Pamplona. Spain

December 12- “Rompiendo el silencio” performance. Escuela Internacional del Gesto. Madrid

December 16- Publication of “Las niñas juegan al fútbol” in the Cuban magazine Conjunto

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