Director and Dramaturgy: JULIA VARLEY
Writer and Performer: AMARANTA OSORIO
Guitarist and Performer: TERESA GARCÍA HERRANZ

Three sisters-an actress, a guitarist and a doll in a room with chess floor, tell themselves the stories of their grandmothers and their mothers, dear women but “anonymous”. Their smiles are naive and dangerous. They laugh of Bluebeard and dedicate music, songs and dances to Susana Chavez, the mexican journalist who fight for the right to life of other women who have just become statistics. The stories recall times of war and peace, love and craftiness to keep the family together. The three sisters follow a path made of stones with the silent story of many women searching for their names.

The show combines music and theater in a space in black and white. The images transport the viewer, prompting him to rediscover their own history and remember the “anonymous” women who have forged their existence.

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  • Date : 10 February, 2015
  • Tags : writer