“As an author, she has received several awards and her plays have been presented in some of the most important theaters in various countries and translated into five languages… Her texts are very delicate but they make a deep wound”. Jesus García Lambert.
“Critical and public success … a piece of great height, which says things that must be said and projects them to one of the great problems of our century: refugees”. Manuel Drezner. El espectador.
“Beautiful, sweet and exciting show”. Julio Bravo. ABC.
“Very beautiful show”. P.J.L. Dominguez. Go crítica.
“A story full of emotion and strength that charges women with heroism”. Diario Crítico.
“My Girl, My Little Girl reminds us of the need to provide responsible histories; it also acknowledges that histories can only ever be partial and incomplete” The theatre times.
“Emancipatory and feminist theatre”. Arianna de Sanctis.
“Her texts are soft like velvet and at the same time of a shocking hardness”. Antonia Amo