Talk at Toulouse, France.

November 25-27 – “Écritures dramatiques et scéniques d ‘Amerique Latine, aujourd’hui: quelles émancipations?” Maison de la Recherche, Toulouse-Jean Jaures University. Quetzal.

November 27.  Reflections around Amaranta Osorio works by Arianna de Sanctis (Université Montpellier 3). Conversation with Agnes Suberzy (Toulouse- Jean Jaurés University and translator of the play “Girls play soccer” ), Antonia Amo (Université d’Avignon and translator of the play “My girl, my little girl”) and  Alice Bonnefoi (translator to french of the plays: “Clic, quand tout bascule”, “Ce que je n’ai pas dit”, “Interdiction de donner à manger”, “La Cage”) et  Amaranta Osorio (author)




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