5 November, 2024



THE TRILOGY OF MEMORIES published by Ediciones Invasoras with the support of the Author Foundation (SGAE), brings together three plays.

REGRESAR ES IRSE- A play that talks about the republican exile in Mexico.

ON YOUR WINGS. An autofiction about grief.

AKUAKUAUE- A play for young audiences that has an endangered animal as its protagonist.

The book has an introduction and prologues by: Antonia Amo (University of Avignon), Monique Martínez (University of Toulouse), Nuria de Orduña (Alfonso X University) and Julio Fernández (editor of Invasoras)

New book presentation

November 13. 19hrs. House of Mexico in Madrid.

Amaranta presents her new book “La trilogía de la memoria”.

She will talk with Jorge Volpi (novelist) and the actress Ana Fernández will read a scene.

Admission is free upon reservation. More information 

House of Mexico in Madrid. 20 Alberto Aguilera Street

Workshop in Albi, France

From November 18 to 24. Albi, France.

Amaranta participates in the Magdalena meeting in Albi, where she will teach the workshop “Writing from yourself” for women in the community.

The festival is directed by Silvia Moreno.

Registration is open. For more information: coordination.cavaluna@gmail.com

La Matto in Peru

November 11. Garcilaso Theater. Cusco, Peru.

“La Matto. A woman out of time” opens the theatrical exchange of emancipated cultures of Cusco.

“La matto” by Amaranta Osorio and co-directed with Natalia Marcet, is performed by Anahí Araoz.

It is an Iberescena Peru-Argentina-Spain co-production.

SILT – Madrid

Sunday, November 3, 1:30 p.m.

Amaranta Osorio signs copies of “MAPA” at the International Theater Book Fair. National Dramatic Center.

At SILT you can also find his books “Clic. Cuando todo cambia” by Assitej, “Moje holka, moje holka” and “El Grito” in Primer Acto magazine, as well as “Y no regresaron a sus casas” from invasive editions.

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